Month: August 2017

Understanding Inflammation and What to do About it

I used to think that inflammation was something that strictly had to do with the obvious, such as arthritis. I didn’t understand what it was, what caused it or how deeply it affects so many of us and in ways that I had never connected. Chris Kresser {one of my favorite holistic practitioners to follow} stated that “inflammation is at the root of nearly all modern disease, including diabetes, Alzheimer’s, autoimmune disease, allergies and many more. He went onto include mental health conditions such as depression.

So what IS inflammation? Well it really is designed to help us in a lot of ways. When our body is fighting issues such as damaged cells, viruses, bacteria, etc. it is a protocol meant to help and heal. What has happened, however, is that our modern day, American culture has created a situation with chronic inflammation that is not beneficial to us. This is due to our sedentary lifestyles, our highly processed foods, high stress, gut issues {because of a lot of these same things}, food sensitivities, etc.

One huge culprit is the oils and processed carbs in so much of our food such as: corn, soybean, canola, safflower, and sunflower oils. Unfortunately these oils were pushed on us for years and our foods are so highly laden with them that we have developed a huge imbalance in Omega 6 & Omega 3 fats. Omega 3 fats are anti-inflammatory (best source: fatty fish -> sardines, mackerel, herring, and wild salmon). Because Omega 6 fats are EVERYWHERE & in EVERYTHING (seriously, even the “healthy” stuff you think you’re buying…READ YOUR LABELS!), the ratio has just been too hard for our bodies to fight. Inflammation has taken over. And this is just ONE cause of inflammation!

Highly Inflammatory Oils to STAY AWAY FROM! One of the best things you can do TODAY to reduce chronic inflammation in your own body is to pay attention to your diet! Here are some tips:

  • Reduce sugar and processed carb intake {shop the perimeter of the store rather than buying mostly boxed/packaged items that are FULL of inflammatory ingredients.
  • Eat fats that reduce inflammation and protect our hearts and brains:
    • Organic coconut oil
    • Extra-virgin olive oil (organic)
    • Avocados
    • Grass-fed meats
    • Grass-fed butter
    • Nuts—walnuts, almonds, pecans, macadamia
    • Fatty fish—sardines, mackerel, herring, and wild salmon (NOT Tilapia! It has almost ZERO omega 3 & unfortunately a lot of people love it because it is such a mild fish. Sorry friends! It’s not benefiting you like you might like to think it is!)
  • Use herbs & spices that help reduce inflammation:
    • Basil, chili peppers, cinnamon, curry powder, garlic, ginger, rosemary, turmeric and thyme (you can even get creative and make drinks/teas with these!)

Beyond the diet…here are some other tips:

Incorporate essential oils that help reduce inflammation:

  • Oregano
  • Thyme
  • Frankincense
  • Myrrh
  • Helichrysum
  • Basil
  • Eucalyptus
  • Ginger
  • Lavender
  • Peppermint
  • Wingergreen
  • Cassia
  • Cinnamon
  • Clove
  • Geranium
  • Jasmine
  • Lemon
  • Roman Chamomile
  • Ylang Ylang
  • Blue Tansy
  • Cilantro
  • Clary Sage
  • Coriander
  • Fennel
  • Lemongrass
  • Melalouca
  • Melissa
  • Patchouli
  • Rose
  • Sandlewood
  • (You can order oils here & I am happy to help with any questions/guidance!)

Reduce stress, physical & emotional/mental
If you don’t have a good support system, plug into one! Find a church, find a support group, check out for local groups there’s something for everyone, moms, hikers, singles, runners…etc. I started my own moms group when I was a stressed, working, single-mom in college and it was a SAVING GRACE!If you need a counselor, find one! Google therapists in your location. Many are willing to charge based on a sliding fee scale. There are lots on-line as well (even apps!). If nothing else, pick up a good book to help you trouble shoot things you are going through. One I love is Boundaries, by Henry Cloud and John Townsend. It’s great for those of us who say “yes” FAR TOO MUCH and end up spread thin, stressed out, resentful and left with no energy for the things we need to pay attention to in our own lives.Listen to your body! I see way too many people over exercising thinking it will help them reach their goals. The sad thing is that I watch them get themselves stuck in a cycle where they can’t fathom the idea of peeling back {and don’t you dare suggest it to them} but they feel like crap and/or their body is holding onto fat, their immune system is breaking down and injuries occur all too easily.

So, there you have it. I hope you really take some time to switch things around if you are dealing with chronic inflammation. I know it can be confusing. Start with small steps…choose ONE THING to change and then go from there. No need to add more stress by trying to change everything all at once.

If you are in need of some support and more individualized guidance, feel free to connect with me for a free consultation. We can determine if some health coaching is what might benefit you! Just email me here:

The Magic of Electrolytes

Okay, so there’s nothing magic about them…but seriously. They are IMPORTANT! Listen up!!
What exactly are electrolytes? I’m sure most of us are at least vaguely aware. I mean who doesn’t notice the electrolyte infused crap drinks at the store? You can even get electrolyte enhanced water. So, we’re paying attention…but perhaps not in the best way. Here’s some more insight:

Electrolytes are ionic solutions that are essential for basic functions. They are in our bodily fluids {urine, blood, sweat…}. These minerals occur in our bodies in the forms of sodium, potassium, bicarbonate, chloride, calcium, and phosphates. This is a little nerdy/sciency…but it’s important to understand this stuff because it will seriously affect how you feel. These little guys have an electric charge {hence the name}. According to Dr. Josh Axe once they dissolve, they separate in to positive and negative charged ions and our nerves react to this process! Hello. Are you already getting that these things are important? Our nerves talk to each other and send signals based on the messages they receive from these chemical exchanges.

So. Really. What does this all mean?

Here’s a little snap shot for you from Dr. Josh Axe:

Some of the major roles that electrolytes have within the body include:

  • Calcium: helping with muscle contractions, nerve signaling, blood clotting, cell division, and forming/maintaining bones and teeth
  • Potassium: helping keep blood pressure levels stable, regulating heart contractions, helping with muscle functions
  • Magnesium: needed for muscle contractions, proper heart rhythms, nerve functioning, bone-building and strength, reducing anxiety, digestion, and keeping a stable protein-fluid balance
  • Sodium: helps maintain fluid balance, needed for muscle contractions, and helps with nerve signaling
  • Chloride: maintains fluid balance

We typically pay attention to our multi-vitamins and macros more than we do electrolytes. In fact, I’m not sure I really hear people say much about it when they are talking about their own health. I’ve experienced some things that I’ve realized were the result of not watching my electrolytes. For a time I was having heart palpitations that really scared me. Not surprisingly, this would pretty much happen only when I was running. You know… when I’m depleting my body of electrolytes. I like to run hard to, so it really all adds up.

I have also struggled with {and I have written about it} adrenal fatigue. It is crazy how much electrolytes help us maintain a good solid level of energy, clarity and vibrancy. With adrenal fatigue in particular certain things are typical such as insomnia and fatigue. A lack of electrolytes can exacerbate this and in turn, making sure you get enough can be paramount in getting your body back in balance.

Here are some common symptoms of electrolyte imbalance {from}:

  • Muscle aches, spasms, twitches and weakness
  • Restlessness
  • Anxiety
  • Frequent headaches
  • Feeling very thirsty
  • Insomnia
  • Fever
  • Heart palpitations or irregular heartbeats
  • Digestive issues like cramps, constipation or diarrhea
  • Confusion and trouble concentrating
  • Bone disorders
  • Joint pain
  • Blood pressure changes
  • Changes in appetite or body weight
  • Fatigue (including chronic fatigue syndrome)
  • Numbness and pain in joints
  • Dizziness, especially when standing up suddenly

I cannot write about this subject without touching on the huge disservice that has been done to us regarding SALT. We have been told for years that salt {along with fat} is EVIL. We’ve been eating taste free, salt free, fat free foods for years and getting SICKER! What happened is that people blamed sodium for things like high blood pressure when there really wasn’t solid evidence to back it up. In fact, at a closer look it became more evident that people who had good results, such as lower blood pressure, as a result of lower sodium levels in their diet, were really getting results from less processed foods in general. Sugar and foods that are void of nutrients are a problem that deserve the kind of attention salt was getting. If you are eating all sorts of highly processed foods with little to no nutrients, you will be causing all sorts of inflammation in your body and stripping it of the essentials it needs to be able to heal itself and function properly. If you would like to know more about the salt conundrum, a great place to visit is Chris Kresser’s website and series on salt.

Another important thing to note: if you have regular table salt sitting in your kitchen, throw it out! Table salt is highly processed, minerals are removed and usually there is an additive used to prevent clumping. Gross. Sea salt, on the other hand, is produced through evaporation and is far less processed typically. You will get more trace minerals and elements and it will be more flavorful. Himalayan Pink Salt has an enormous amount of minerals… a few of which happen to be: calcium, magnesium, and potassium.

If you happen to be following the ketogenic protocol, electrolytes are even more critical for you to pay attention to. As you enter into ketosis, your kidneys shift from retaining water and sodium to releasing them. As your sodium level decreases, your kidneys will also get rid of potassium in effort to keep a sodium-potassium equilibrium. This is when you get headaches, brain fog, dizziness, irritability… so, take note! This is just as important as paying attention to how much fat/protein/carbs you’re eating! If you ignore your electrolytes you can end up feeling like a pile of lethargic poo. That is not the goal and just does not need to happen.

Where to get electrolytes:

Sodium is obvious. I’ve already touched on sea salt & Himalayan salt. Don’t be afraid to use it! Dump the old “salt is evil” messages! I will add sea salt, lemon juice and a good quality lemon essential oil with to a big glass of ice water, especially after a hard run. LOVE it! Recovery is amazing with this!

Potassium: you can up your potassium levels with foods such as: salmon, avocado, broccoli, spinach, coconut water {make sure it doesn’t have added sugar}

Magnesium: Spinach, pumpkin seeds, yogurt or kefir, almonds, chard. But I would recommend a supplement. I love Natural Calm by Natural Vitality. You can find it at your local health food store or order on Amazon.

If you are really struggling and want to know just where your body is with your electrolytes and what you need to specifically pay attention to, I HIGHLY RECOMMEND seeing a holistic/functional practitioner. So many main stream medical doctors are not up on current science regarding such topics {especially things like salt}. Rather than get put on some sort of medication, dig a little deeper and see what you can do naturally!